Easy Hong Kong Private Tour new website on Google

Easy Hong Kong Private Tour makes new website on Google My Business

We just launch our new easy website on Google My Business.

screen shot for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour website on Google

Screen shot for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour website on Google

YOU may browse the new website here.

Easy to use new website on Google

The website has all the basic but important functions.

It shows YOU our latest news.

It shows YOU our photos for our team, at work and from the clients.

It shows YOU our contact information of course.

However, it cannot show our private car tour products.

It also cannot show clients the reviews and testimonials, which are important for YOU and other clients to choose our service.

Hope Google adds these functions in the foreseeable future.

For clients’ testimonials about Frank’s easy Hong Kong private car tour service, please browse the client review site.

More exposure on Google, easier for YOU to find us


It is good to have more exposure on the internet, which is related to the biggest search engine in the World, Google, especially.

Hope the new website on Google can help YOU and other potential clients to find our private car tour service for Hong Kong and Macau more easily.


Our new website on Google
Article Name
Our new website on Google
Easy Hong Kong Private Tour makes new website on Google My Business.
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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