Does migration wave reflect Hong Kong’s dim future? NO…

Migration wave can be good to Hong Kong

Migration wave can be good to Hong Kong Recently quite a lot of Hong Kong citizens have migrated to other countries.   The migrants and their relatives cry sadly at the Hong Kong Airport Departure Hall.   There are a lot of emotional photos on the social media.   Some foreign expats may think that…

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Through Hong Kong Post’s special stamp, look back the year-long battle against Covid-19

Hong Kong Post's special stamps for fighting Covid-19

Look back Hong Kong’s fight against Covid-19 through special stamp Hong Kong Post issues the special stamps to honor the diligent medical staff and thank Chinese Central Government for supporting Hong Kong SAR’s fight against the year-long Covid-19 pandemic.   The special stamps inspire Frank the tour guide to look back Hong Kong’s long battle…

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Let’s be patient, take the vaccination and rebuild the normality

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet

Let’s take the Covid-19 vaccination and rebuild the normality patiently Greek philosopher Aristotle once said “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”! However most people don’t like waiting.   Actually if waiting is unavoidable and can bring us the good result, we should wait patiently. When we are waiting, we can do something meaningful to…

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