Frank’s “Local tea café and delicacies” snapshots video

“Local tea café and delicacies” video of Frank Frank the tour guide uses his snapshots to make his short “Local tea café and delicacies” video. Common Hong Kong citizens like the functional local tea café very much! The tea cafés have the all-embracing menus for diners. People can have their breakfast, lunch, dinner and even…

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What did Frank the tour guide post at social media this week (22-26 Feb 2021)?

Hong Kong skyline, Jardine House, Sweet rice ball, milk tea

Collection of Frank’s social media posts (22 to 26 Feb 2021) This post is the collection of Frank the tour guide’s posts at social media from 22 to 26 Feb 2021.   Readers can follow Frank the tour guide’s social media. [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]     Frank is eager to share more about his country China, city…

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