Tour guide Frank’s new year gift is a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

Frank the tour guide got the 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccine as new year gift.

Frank the tour guide got the 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccine as new year gift Happy new year again! What is your new year gift for 2022? How much do you pay for it? On 1st January, tour guide Frank got a Sinovac COVID-19 booster shot as his new year present!   Like the first…

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Hong Kong’s smooth vaccination programme further opens up to people aged 30 or above

The logo of Hong Kong SAR Government Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

Hong Kong vaccination campaign accelerates to cover most of the population Hong Kong SAR’s Covid-19 vaccination programme has begun on 26 Feb 2021.   The cumulative number of persons who have received their first jabs of vaccine has exceeded 200,000 on 15 March 2021 (You may check the most updated date here). This encouraging result…

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Have you taken the Covid-19 vaccine? Frank the tour guide receives the first jab today!

Frank, vaccine record, logo of vaccine campaign

Frank the tour guide takes the first Covid-19 vaccine jab today Frank the tour guide receives the first jab of Covid-19 vaccine today.   Frank feels good! As Hong Kong SAR Government wants to accelerate the vaccination programme, it allows a senior vaccine receiver aged 70 or above takes the vaccine with two carers. It…

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Chinese epidemiologist’s encouraging suggestion: China and America should lift Covid-19 travel bans if herd immunity reached!

Website for vaccination registration of Hong Kong SAR Government

Chinese expert suggests ending Sino-US mutual travel ban under herd immunity  In an online forum organized by Chinese Tsinghua University and US’s Brookings Institution on COVID-19 prevention and treatment, Chinese epidemiologist Mr. Wu Zunyou suggests that China and America should lift Covid-19 travel bans if herd immunity reached (The related news report is here)! According to the current…

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