Frank’s “Pretty autumn blue sky” snapshots video

Pretty autumn blue sky video screenshot

“Pretty autumn blue sky” video of Frank Frank the tour guide uses his snapshots to make a short “Pretty autumn blue sky” video. Hong Kong’s autumn is the best season for travelers.   Autumn’s weather is warm and dry.   Travelers feel very comfortable during the autumn Hong Kong trips. After watching Frank’s short video,…

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Frank’s “Beautiful Tuen Mun Pier” snapshots video

Beautiful Tuen Mun Pier video screenshot

“Beautiful Tuen Mun Pier” video of Frank Frank the tour guide uses his snapshots on Saturday 6 November to make his short “Beautiful Tuen Mun Pier” video. Frank is actually planning a new Lantau Island West New Territories full day private tour programme. The newly-opened and the longest Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link underwater tunnel makes…

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What is the best Hong Kong sightseeing point for cruise passengers?

When cruises sail into Hong Kong, cruise passengers can enjoy the great view.

The best Hong Kong sightseeing point for cruise passengers is Victoria Peak When the big cruises sail into the Victoria Harbor in bright sunshine, cruise passengers can enjoy Hong Kong’s good view from the cabins.   Cruisers can also see the Hong Kong skyline from a low angle at the lookout points of the Ocean…

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