Easy Around Hong Kong Island in 8 hours full day private car tour is available now

Around Hong Kong Island in 8 hours full day private car tour collage 1500X843

Easy full day around Hong Kong Island private tour is ready Frank the tour guide’s new easy Hong Kong private tour, Around Hong Kong Island in 8 hours full day private car tour, is available now!   It is actually the upgraded and renewed version of the Hong Kong Island full day private tour. Frank…

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Frank’s “Dim sum lunch for you” snapshots video

Dim sum lunch for you video screenshot

“Dim sum lunch for you” video of Frank After trying a local restaurant at Quarry Bay on Hong Kong Island, Frank makes a short video to show you his tasty dim sum lunch. A lot of travelers want to try Hong Kong’s signature dish, dim sum, at the authentic local restaurants during their Hong Kong…

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Frank’s “Hong Kong is…???!!!” snapshots video

“Hong Kong is…???!!!” video of Frank Frank the tour guide uses his snapshots to make a short “Hong Kong is…???!!!” video. Hong Kong is the city with the stunning view.   Hong Kong is the densely populated city with compact and tall residential buildings.   Hong Kong is the dining capital with good local Cantonese…

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Should business travelers stay in Hong Kong Island or Kowloon?

Business travelers should stay in hotels in Hong Kong Island As the Asian financial center, Hong Kong has more than enough good hotels. Business travelers, who will come to Hong Kong for the first time, may not know whether they should stay in hotels in Hong Kong Island or Kowloon. Made in Hong Kong Frank…

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Frank plans NEW TOURS in NEW YEAR 2021 for clients

Big Buddha, Monster Building, Wah Fu Estate, sunset, Nan Lian Garden

Frank the tour guide plans new private tours for clients in 2021 At the beginning of the new year 2021, Frank the tour guide plans two new private tour itineraries for clients.   Frank first groups Hong Kong’s most popular highlights in one Hong Kong Kowloon Lantau full day private car tour. This tour aims…

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